🎶 Raag Brindavani/Megh Sarang
Something for the Saturday afternoon 🙂 Ustad Ali Akbar saab bringing the lazed afternoon mood onto his Sarod. An afternoon raaga, Sarang evokes a sense of relaxation and easeness, after a consuming first half of the day (when most of the high energy work is done). Perfect for an afternoon nap, break, contemplation or to just be ❤
Enjoy 😊
Youtube (only half of it):
[Full Raaga]Apple music: https://music.apple.com/in/album/rag-megh-sarang/489803407?i=489803437
[Full Raga]Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2Zo1QNnsanWcf6z8iM0StC?si=URbTw3rqR4K3JqYKIkOQOA
Ciao <3